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Call for Workshop Proposals is closed

Key Dates

Workshop submission opens 22 January 2024
Submission deadline 14 April 2024
Abstract acceptance notification 30 April 2024
Conveners/ Facilitators to register for conference by 31 May 2024

Workshop Submission Instructions

  1. The call for workshop proposals is now open. The deadline for submission is 14 April 2024.
  2. The workshop duration is flexible and should be proposed and justified in the submission document.
  3. Please use the template provided at this link.
  4. Please submit your document via email to this address:
  5. A submission confirmation will be sent to the submitter after successful submission.
  6. The submitter will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of the workshop proposal by 30 April 2024.
  7. Submission should be done by the main convenor/ facilitator as acceptance is contingent on the convenor/ facilitator being registered by 31 May 2024.